Brushes With The Truth

The Benefits Of Sending And Receiving Greeting Cards

Sending and receiving greeting cards has several psychological and physiological benefits.

To get back to the benefits, some of these relate to the psychological effects of social connection and emotional wellbeing.

The act of writing and sending a greeting card reduces stress and aids relaxation. It reduces stress because the sender is expressing positive emotions. For the one receiving a greeting card, the act triggers a positive emotional response, due to feelings of being cared for and appreciated.

In Britain? Then you can get your cards from Flying Twigs, who have almost 400 greeting cards in their catalogue and they get their cards printed on luxury card. And their cards are at good prices.

Sending cards increases happiness and satisfaction. This act of giving boosts the sender's mood, due to the joy of making someone else happy. It adjusts hormone levels, and as they say, sending a card is like giving a small present.

And from the point of view of the person receiving a cards, it improves mood by reminding the recipient of the fact that someone cares for them. And as Kabbalah says, when you know someone is thinking of you, you cannot think of yourself. This is just nature at work.

Writing a card reinforces social bonds and strengthen relationships, leading to a greater sense of belonging and feeling the support of others.And the same works for the person receiving a card.

Beyone this, sending and receiving cards reduces loneliness, lowers blood pressure and boosts the immune system. It also pull a person back into the moment - and for those crushed by life this is very important.